Dark Connection Inside, also known as Backdoor.DCI.12 and Dark Connection, is a backdoor Trojan affecting Microsoft Windows operating systems. The server attempts to open a port, typically TCP port 666, to allow the client system to connect. The client has the ability to emulate the server when it is running. This can be used to trick other hackers, and all commands sent to the emulated server are shown on the local client.
Affected Application
Microsoft Corporation: Windows Any version
Open up regedit (go to start, then run and type regedit then hit ok) the follow this path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run - And look for the following value "DirectX 3D Service" right click on this value and choose delete. - Now follow this path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run - And look for the following value "MSGSRV16.EXE" and "Service386Shell" right click on these values and choose delete.